Thursday, November 20, 2008

My Grandfather: My family and my friend pt. 1

Proverbs 22:6 commands parents to: "Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it." My grandfather, Marlin Kusler, trained my mother, Sheila to raise me a certain way, to teach me, to put up with me and to ultimately love me despite my faults, disobedience, and times of disrespect growing up.

I had the privilege of spending a weekend around my grandpa last weekend, while deer/pheasant hunting. My grandpa got the opportunity to hang out with his great-grand daughters, which was truly a blessing. I got the chance to interview my grandpa and ask him some questions about growing up and living in one place for his entire life.

Saved From Wrath (Brett): "You were born in 1932 and spent your childhood growing up amongst the Great Depression: what is one of your memories of that time?"

Grandpa Kusler: "One thing I remember on the farm was sleeping in a grain bin for an extneded period of time. My parents were building the home on the farmstead and we kids sleep on top of the grain in the wooden bin on mattresses."

SFW: "What are some of the things you did for fun growing up on the farm?"

GK: "Well....we really didn't have any toys or anything so we had to make our own fun. I remember when mom and dad had people over we would sometimes find dired cow pies and stick them on the running boards of the model T's in the driveway."

SFW: " haved lived in this town for 76 years and have never moved (aside from moving from the farm into town, but still spending all your time on the farm).....what have been the best and worst parts of that."

GK: "The best thing has been that we've never had a crop failure. We have been blessed. God has overseen the land we've been farming as a family for generations. I guess the worst thing is that i've never lived anywhere else, so I don't know if it would really be any better."

I am proud of my Grandfather because he is my family and he is my friend - along with a slow, but effective player at any card game. Stay tuned for part two when an interview will be coming with the one and only Oscar (aka "Ozzie") Moser.

1 comment:

Nick Schmidt said...

Great interview Brett. Love the part of being a slow and effective card player. Can't wait for the second installment.