Sunday, December 14, 2008

Blizzard to the Glory of God

Today God is showing His power, His timing, and His plans with gusts of wind, frigid temps, and snow that is falling and blowing. As is with everything I believe God wants His glory more than anything and this is just another directing me to that thought.

Every church in our city has called off services today. One may ask - how can God glorify Himself when all the doors of the church are closed? I would respond with saying that the church isn't limited to a building or a time. As we are all stuck inside today - we still can have sabbath and time that honors the Lord. The key is to make sure that that happens for you.

This morning we laid in bed and got the girls and had a couple hours of watching TV and sleepin' in together. It was a good relaxing time of family time that we rarely ever get due to work.

One thing I think about is the fact of going to work vs. going to church. Would people venture to work today if this was a normal business day? My guess would be yes or maybe? Would people venture to church today -absolutely not - what is the difference? I guess it would be priority at first thought. There is some worth and value for families to be at home together on a day like this.

Since many of you will read this today since you will be at home and won't have anything else to do but veg out, watch movies, watch football, or surf the net - I urge you to find some time for sabbath today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm still waiting for you to snowblow my house