Friday, December 5, 2008

Rick Warren: Just Give Jesus a Try???

The other night I was laying in bed watching my hospital TV before I fell asleep. At 11 pm I usually watch the nights previous episode of Hannity and Colmes on Fox News. Rick Warren just happened to be on this night discussing issues related to Christianity, Christmas, his new book The Purpose of Christmas, and politics.

Here is the dialogue between Alan Colmes and Warren. One section was particularly interesting. If you don't have a garbage can nearby - you may want to get one - cause this could make you throw up.

COLMES: What about — what does it say for all those people who do not accept Christ as their personal savior?

WARREN: I'm saying that this is the perfect time to open their life, to give it a chance. I'd say give him a 60-day trial.


COLMES: Like the Book of the Month Club.

WARREN: Give him a trial. See if he'll change your life. I dare you to try trusting Jesus for 60 days. Or your money guaranteed back.

You have got to be kidding me. One of the leading voices in Evangelicalism put Jesus Christ into the category of exercise equipment infomercials??? You don't give Jesus a try? I dare you to give Jesus a chance?? That sounds similar to statements I heard in elementary school growing up - "Brett I dare you to put those boulders and other marbles in the pot - and I'll play you for them." Or, "I double dare you, Brett." (they apparently watched too much Double Dare on Nickelodeon). You don't dare people when talking about Jesus Christ.

God, in His Sovereignty, by the power of the Holy Spirit - buys us - purchases us - by shedding His blood on the Cross as a ransom - a payment for sin - so that we can be reconciled to God.

The rest of the interview had some issues as well, but nothing compared to this catastrophe. Rick Warren has a lot of talent and gifts and is pastoring a large congregation. He has sold more books than I will ever buy in my lifetime. He obviously has been blessed and God has used his books to reach people, but these comments speak to the truth of how Warren perceives the Christian life. How committed can anyone be to something they can just return for a money back guarantee? The sad truth is that people buy this message - They try out church - They try out mormonism - They try out etc....and nothing works because God, in His Sovereignty, is in charge period.


Anonymous said...

my 60 days are up..........I waited too long does this mean I'm stuck with Jesus and the book or just the book?..........can i return the book within 60 days and keep Jesus?

Andy Wright said...

That's weird stuff.

BTW, I like the new look of the blog.

Unknown said...

So basically what he's trying to say is that Christian's lives automatically improve within 60 days of giving him a try??? I think once somebody accepts Christ, the Devil takes more stabs at trying to tear them down. The life of a Christian is suppose to be the tougher one...Not the easy way out. So by just trying Jesus out, I think those next 60 days would be harder than the prior. That has to be one of the most preposterous statements I've ever heard from a pastor.

Unknown said...

Thankfully we are not lawyers and don't have to get caught up in legalism. As his fellow brothers and sisters in Christ we are able to look at Rick Warren's complete ministry celebrate. God has used him to make his glory known to many.

Matt Heltzel said...

The new look is hot, as Andy said... Yeah this guy has just been decreasing daily in my books as I am opened to more of his "stuff"

whoop_t_do_2000 said...

What caught my attention was, "The other night I was laying in bed watching my hospital TV before I fell asleep." Man I don't read this blog daily, and I see you don't write daily either, but I need to know, if you were watching a hospital TV, were you a patient, and if so, why? I certainly hope all is well with you now. BTW I was also wondering why such a great Vikings fan as you has made no comment here on them making the playoffs.

whoop_t_do_2000 said...

What caught my attention was, "The other night I was laying in bed watching my hospital TV before I fell asleep." Man I don't read this blog daily, and I see you don't write daily either, but I need to know, if you were watching a hospital TV, were you a patient, and if so, why? I certainly hope all is well with you now. BTW I was also wondering why such a great Vikings fan as you has made no comment here on them making the playoffs.

Brett said...

The hospital TV is in my own actual bedroom...I just call it a hospital TV cause it is right there in the corner of the room and I watch it while laying in bed...nothing was wrong and I wasn't in the hospital