Tuesday, April 21, 2009

"Neat Christian Guy" vs. "Godly Man"

When I was in high school I remember a 40 year old farmer suggest that I attend Northwestern Bible College. He suggested I attend because there were many good-looking girls there that were looking for a "neat Christian guy" like me. As I listened to a recent interview by Matt Chandler - this idea came up of a "neat Christian guy" vs. a "Godly man". Matt was talking about complementarianism in the church. As I have reflected on the matter at one time being labeled a "neat Christian guy" (NCG) - my hope is that I have moved on from the fluff of that part of my life to be a "Godly man"(GM).

So, what separates the two. Here are my list of suggestions
  1. A NCG is liked by everybody while a GM has offended someone because the GM hasn't wavered on the truth of Scripture. A GM has hills to die on and will follow through with standing on core theological truths.
  2. A NCG will be pursued by the ladies (most of the time these women have a low view of what they are looking for in a man) while the GM pursues a woman because God has told him too. For the record - my pre-marriage performance falls into the NCG on this one....although my wife did know what she was looking for in a man.
  3. A NCG is the guy who cries at summer camp every year while a GM repents and owns up to his sin as "his" fault.
  4. A NCG carries his Bible (along with his highlighter and other items that make everyone think he knows what he is doing) or relies on the Scripture being up on the screen while the GM carries his Bible and actually reads it.
  5. A NCG provides for his family financially and calls it a day. A GM provides for his family financially and realizes that it doesn't stop there. A GM most importanly, leads and pastors his family.
  6. A NCG many times grew up in a "Christian" home and might not even really have a regenerated heart while a GM many times grew up with stories of grace - and can actually tell you about those stories.
  7. And finally NCG's are bored dudes who see going to church as a duty - while GM become elders, pastors, deacons, and LEADERS in the church.
The goal is to be a "Godly Man" - that means in my mind responsibility, courage, accountability, and repentence. As I look back and as I examine parts of my life that would be classified as "neat and Christian" - I almost want to throw up. Our tendency at times is to
  • Want all the benefits of everything, but take NO responsibility
  • Stand down and not fight for truth - at times we have NO courage
  • Lie to ourselves and think we need no one around us to call us out - we want NO accoutability
  • Fail to say, "It is what it is" - and I am a dirty sinner - we NEVER repent and confess our sins
My prayer is that "Godly Men" would rise up and would lead. Women will follow, good husbands and good fathers will come about, and most importantly Jesus will be glorified as he made men to be men - not "neat" with potential.


Anonymous said...

I often think about a long conversation I had with Mike Rohrer about 15 years ago. We were discussing choices people make based on whether to pick what it took to be liked or respected.

It appears to me that is kind of what this post is about. Generally if we pick what it will take to be respected we might not be liked by everyone but ... well we will be respected.

I would far rather be respected than liked. I would far rather be thought of as a Godly Man than a Nice Christian Guy.

In fact the older I get and the more my faith mature the more I feel this way.

Hope you are doing awesome and becoming more respected everyday.


Alex D said...

Thanks for posting this Brett.

Elizabeth said...

i found you from a friend's blog and the GM in this post describes my husband to a "T". we have had conversations about all the NCGs out there and want so much to encourage boys to grow into GMs and and NCGs to mature into GMs.

respected for being Godly - what a life to aspire to!