Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Fear the stache

The American Mustache Institute, which I never even knew existed, is pushing for Jason Giambi to be the last voted in All-Star for the American League this year.

"It doesn't take a mathematician to figure out that Jason Giambi's hitting prowess, plus a fashionable mustache, equals a bona fide All-Star," Aaron Perlut, executive director of The American Mustache Institute, says in the release. "Giambi's significant first-half production as well as his powerful lip fur -- indicating great intellect and good looks -- make two very compelling reasons for his place on the American League All-Star roster."

Wow, I can't really believe that
  1. The Yankees even allow mustaches, since they have a rule against beards, sideburns, long hair, and facial hair - but I guess Don Mattingly got away with it so why not Giambi. I guess George S. rule was no facial hair below the lip.
  2. That a Yankee (w/decent numbers) needs help from the AMI to make the All-Star team for an All-Star game that is played where - Yankee Stadium! How embarrassing!
For more information on the mustache, check out Alex Decker's post on the topic.


Alex D said...

yeah, that is quite the mustache Giambi is supporting. Also, I found out who that guy from the Calgary Flames in my old profile pic was. It is Lanny McDonald

Anonymous said...

i didnt know giambi was a pitcher