Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Don't Mess With My Familiar!

We don't like change do we? We love our familiar things and when someone brings a new idea, a different perspective, or an enhanced better option we tend to freak out and start taking ownership of things that really aren't ours to begin with. This was relayed to me the other day as I heard the story of Hockey Night in Canada and the CBC's decision to possibly take away the 40 year old, "second national anthem" theme song that kicks off every broadcast. When Canadians hear this song it is equivalent to Americans hearing the The Monday Night Football Theme Song. When you hear the song, you just know what is being coming - your favorite sport. Canadians aren't too happy as emails flooded the CBC office as a tradition hangs in the balance.

In many ways change represents to people that they lost something, but many times change is necessary to move forward and break free from older, less useful approaches. Discernment is a key area to talk about when making change. Change can be good if done thoughtfully, lovingly, and most of the time slowly to those that may not approve of the change. Change can be bad if done in a prideful way to ram road your own personal agenda through - while usually doing things very quickly without much counsel. Change can be hard as opinions and requests are made on both sides of the issue (with many potential positive and negative results forthcoming).

May we not put too much stock, energy, and passion into our familiar - because change may be on coming at any time!

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