Tuesday, June 3, 2008

A Sport?

Are any of the following actually sports? What makes an activity a sport? Do you have to actually exercise and train and be in good shape? Or is a sport anything that has competition? Any thoughts? I have decided that pro wrestling doesn't make the cut. Sorry to all of you who live in your parent's basement and think Vince McMahon is a sports icon.

I suppose since I am around 225 lbs. I can't ever participate and be a jockey

The jargon of using numbers to identify drivers, teams, and owners is just flat weird

I think just getting into wranglers would be considered a sport for me

Is anything that has an organization called Gamblers anonymous considered a sport?


Unknown said...

I want to be a jockey...

Shannon Moser said...

What do you consider a sport anyway? Basketball? Baseball? Football? What are the qualifications for something to be a sport in your book, Brett?

Brett said...

The qualifications for sports would be the exertion of physical energy by a human being - along with competition

Shannon Moser said...

So would you then be saying that Cheerleading is a sport?

Brett said...

Cheerleading a sport.....I don't know if I can go that far? It does fit the qualifications of exertion of physical energy, but i just don't know, everything in me says that cheerleading is still not a sport.....i mean you shouldn't have to put make up on just like you put a jock strap on to prepare for your sport