Tuesday, June 10, 2008

My Call Home

I got a scare today as I called home to talk to my wife while I was at work. What I heard on the other end scarred me big time! All I heard was uncontrollable crying and weeping. My wife wasn't even able to talk to me! I couldn't make out the words coming out of her mouth because of so much crying - things were approaching hyperventilating. I thought something tragic was happening - maybe Aunika got hurt - maybe Shannon was hurt. Five minutes later Shannon called me back and told me not to worry she was just watching P.S. I Love You. Gotta love sensitivity? Right? I grew up with all men in the house besides my mom and can only remember slightly cracking a tear at the end of Rudy and White Fang. Some out there believe that God will bless me with all girls to guide me down the road of starting to become a more sensitive person. I will defer to allowing God to have his way with whatever He gifts us with, but as for now 1 girl and maybe another on the way!


Unknown said...

I can't believe you cried at the end of Rudy... White Fang, I can see, but RUDY???? Please explain why this movie made you cry?

Brett said...

Kelan some of us out there feel the emotion with sports....I don't know why this movie moved me in an emotional direction, but it did. That's all I can say on that one